📚Learn to LEND

A simple introduction to the core concepts behind the LEND ecosystem. Earn the #LearnToLEND NFT achievements so you can #LENDtoEarn!

Welcome to #LearntoLEND! 👋

The goal of this section is to simply provide an introduction to all key concepts behind the LEND platform. In the following pages we'll discuss everything from, tTokens to the TENtroller. We hope you find the topics covered useful and help you #LearnToLEND , so you can #LENDtoEarn. Use the handy links at the bottom of this page to easily access the information for each core mechanic behind the LEND platform.

Earn NFTs for Learning

Get Familiar with LEND! To support the launch of the protocol we created #LearnToLEND ! You can start collecting a free NFT collection powered by Galxe by simply learning about the LEND ecosystem.

We created the #LearntoLEND campaign so you can quickly learn all about the key mechanics and collect NFTs to document your learning adventure. Read Key Topics -> Ace a short quiz -> Claim NFT Achievements You can view all of the NFTs for this campaign on Galxe! -> Use this link! 🔥

Users that collect ALL NFTs will be rewarded quarterly with exclusive giveaways #airdrops & more! - It pays to #LearnToLEND 🤓

To take part in #LearnToLEND campaign all you'll need to do is visit the topics below, read the information and complete a short quiz at the end of each to test your knowledge! Find in-depth details about this campaign here!

🔑 Key Topics:

🎓page01 - Introduction to LEND🎓page02 - $LEND Tokens🎓page03 - LEND Ecosystem Safety🎓page04 - Lending Basics🎓page05 - Borrowing Basics🎓page06 - Discovering tTokens🎓page07 - Revenue Sharing🎓page08 - Protocol Governance🎓page09 - Cross-Chain Update

Last updated